Saturday, August 11, 2012

Session - 7 Wonders & Ora Et Labora

8th of July 2012 (Sunday)

Game(s) Played:
7 Wonders

Ora Et Labora

Session – 7 Wonders

Bro D
Da Panda

We had just come back from dinner at Betty’s Midwest Kitchen, I’ll write a review about that someday, and had about an hour before Da Panda had to abandon us and go to Genting Highlands for, I quote, "I also don’t know why". Surprisingly, everyone wanted to play 7 Wonders and there was a bit of hulabaloo about seating positions (Mo never likes to sit next to me) but we got started quickly enough.

I started with The Lighthouse Of Alexandria which prompted me to go the Technology (Green) route since the wonder starts me with a Mercury resource. Surprisingly very few Technology (Green) cards came my way, my suspicious glances at Mo’s fully built wonder and numerous discards were probably correct in guessing he was playing to seriously outmanoeuvre me. I approached each area in a moderate sense, having a little bit of everything which probably was what resulted in my moderate score as well.

Bro D didn’t do very well this time, mostly I think because he was situated between me (starved of resources) and Milo (plenty of resources who he contributed chiploads of money to). Milo built a plethora of resource generating buildings and scored so much money I think half the box was empty, it kinda felt like facing up against Babylon with her huge armies and truckloads of tribute. Da Panda tried to match Milo’s army but Milo’s Colossus just gave her too much of a bonus in the end.

Time Taken: 45 minutes

Results Of Game
Winna – Milo (X Points)
2nd – Da Panda (X Points)
3rd – Hayen (X Points)
4th – Mo (X Points)
Dead Last – Bro D (34 Points)

The reason why it's all X Points is because I have absolutely no clue what the score is anymore. You all can blame Milo since the pictures she took were never sent to me. I only remember distinctly what Bro D got because everyone kept thinking he got 36 Points and he kept correcting them.

"OMG!! Shiny!!" (upon looking at Milo’s neatly stacked coffers)

Rating: 9/10

Session – Ora Et Labora

Bro D

We were deliberating on what our next game should be and Milo & Mo were sorta torn between Le Havre & Agricola so I suggested Ora Et Labora to which the enthusiasm seemed a little withdrawn, until the box was opened and everyone suddenly remembered what Ora Et Labora was and we settled in for the next 150 minutes to enjoy this gem.

I took a few minutes to get the rules down again, but once a few turns have passed Ora Et Labora starts flowing pretty quickly. I thought we could try the Irish variant this time since we’ve played the French variant last round and the results were… rather unexpected.

I was really interested in the Spinning Mill [Coins for having Sheep] which is really thematic considering I didn’t need to kill my sheep to sell their wool for money and actually ended up building it in conjunction with the Cloister Courtyard [3 different Goods for 6 identical Goods] to get 6 Sheep but ended up using them to support my Settlement building.

Mo as usual loves buildings that lets him use multiple buildings or other Player’s buildings for free and managed to land all of the following in his cloister, Priory [Use a building with a Prior] & Cottage [+1 Malt & use neighbouring building]. He used the Cottage to great effect in conjunction with his Whiskey Distillery [1 Malt + 1 Wood + 1 Peat = 2 Whiskey] and Alehouse [1 Beer for 8 Coins / 1 Whiskey for 7 Coins].

Sadly with all that's been happening in the last few weeks I don't remember much about what happened because AGAIN, Milo has not sent me any pics. All I remember is that I managed to pull out a win because I was the only one build a Settlement in every single Settlement Phase which makes a heck a lot of difference.

Time Taken: 180 minutes

Results Of Game
Winna – Hayen (X Points)
2nd – Mo (X Points)
3rd – Milo (X Points)
Dead Last – Bro D (X Points)

"So now we have to pay him (Bro D) to use his Quarry in order to get stone"

Bro D
"Muhahahahaha! Say it again!"

Rating: 9/10

1 comment:

manda said...

mel swallows pictures! ten thousand pictures GONEE