Game(s) Played:
And welcome back to another edition of our monthly meet-ups to teach, learn & play boardgames for the niche group of us who are strangely only free on Saturday mornings. And today, we are playing … …
Session – Champions of Midgard
Game: Champions of Midgard
Designer: Ole Steiness
Players: 2 – 4 Players
Playing Time: 90 minutes (This Play: 180 minutes)
Main Mechanisms: Worker Placement, Dice Rolling, Set Collection
… … Champions of Midgard, where we are leaders of Viking clans who have traveled to an embattled Viking harbor town to help defend it against the threat of trolls, draugr, and other mythological Norse beasts. By defeating these epic creatures, we gain glory and the favor of the gods. When the game ends, the Viking leader who has earned the most glory earns the title of Jarl and is recognized as a champion of Midgard!
I am ULLR THE BERSERKER! And ULLR choose not to armour the side of the body with my lousy eye… because ULLR IS A BERSERKER!!!
ULLR gains glory for bashing monsters' teeth in, the more bashing, the more glory and the more Berserkers will join the cause! Nevertheless, ULLR not stoopid, learn many ancestral lessons by cookfire. ULLR use Dagrun the Destined as prime example of how not to bash monsters' teeth in… …
TIP #1 – You Don't Always Hit Monsters
Dagrun always think she the chosen one, protected by plot armor *rolls one good eye*. ULLR has learned bard-jutting, from travelling soothsayer, he say "To win, bring more". Sometimes warrior still drunk and miss, so bring more warriors, maybe one will hit, seem wise. All ULLR warriors ready to enter Valhalla, some a bit too eager in ULLR opinion. But sometimes, gods grant warrior rebirth as stronger warrior from Valhalla, so no loss to ULLR really.
TIP #2 – Monsters Will ALWAYS Hit You
Monsters are brought up from wee age to always "AIM FOR THE HEAD", hence ULLR wears helmet unlike Dagrun who flips hair
Look at Dagrun challenging Bergrisar, she bring two Swordsmen and one Axeman. Bergrisar weak but hit with fists like small mountains. Dagrun warriors drink one too many to Dagrun's destiny, all miss attack on Bergrisar, two Swordsmen then go splat, last Axeman misses again! (ULLR admit this was unexpected even by ULLR standards) Bye bye Axeman.
TIP #3 – Gold, What Is It Good For?
ULLR no understand why must pay shiny metal for clan member's freedom, it make no thematic sense. In fact, gold not seem valuable here in this nameless harbour town, only good for occasional things like merchant, buy/rent fighting ship and bribe guard for clan member's freedom, but monsters carry plenty of gold, maybe they don't want it either. Strange economy. Food here more important than gold, to go on journey to defeat big monsters. Wood strangely only can take from bashing troll even though trees everywhere. Strange economy. Soothsayer say "All will be explained in Valhalla" but warrior come back from Valhalla clueless.
TIP #4 – Journeys Are LONG, Pack Accordingly
In last round of game, all leaders try to get most glory by going on journey. Notice only Dagrun (green, first ship) no come with her warriors
ULLR father always say "If warrior die, food still there, but if food spoil, warrior die, so bring more food" before Kraken eat him, then warriors had feast with extra rations in his honour. So always bring more food on journey.
Results Of Game(s)
WINNER – Justin aka ULLR THE BERSERKER (87 Glory)
2nd – Sean aka Ragnhild the Adviser (86 Glory)
3rd – Gideon aka Swanhildr the Swordmaiden (78 Glory)
4th – Edward aka Dagrun the Destined (75 Glory)
LAST – Alan aka Thyra Valkyrie-Born (69 Glory)
ULLR is now Jarl! ULLR first decree, "PLAY MORE BOARDGAMES!", ULLR next decree, "PLAY MORE CHAMPIONS OF MIDGARD!", ULLR last decree, "Free booze for ULLR for life!"
Until next time, keep calm and play better!
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