Monday, September 02, 2024

Games I Need To Win & Games I Love To Lose

2nd September 2024 (Monday)

The Brothers Murph released their "Top 10 Games We Love to LOSE" video two days ago. I don’t have so many boardgames that I would love to lose at so I thought I would do a dichotomy between the two halves. So, in no particular order, here are the top 3 games I NEED to win & the top 3 games I "LOVE" to lose.

#1 Need To Win
Race For The Galaxy

150 recorded plays later and I only have 26 wins, and this is not even taking into account the many unrecorded plays against my brother in my early days of boardgaming. This has presented itself as my Mt Everest, the unassailable challenge that I attempt over and over with every intention of winning each time and yet fall short of the challenge.

#1 Love To Lose
For Sale

I love For Sale because of its versatility. With the right crowd, it can be a drunken riot with references as to who is sleeping in the dog house tonight or it could be a dead serious high stakes poker game. 52 plays later, I still love to throw all my chips in on the first round on a dare and see if I still manage to avoid last place (I managed to get first once and it was HILARIOUS).

#2 Need To Win
Through The Ages: A Story Of Civilization

I always bring my A game to TTA. I rarely get to play this epic and there isn’t a lot of RNG involved which means I am the master of my own destiny. I love the balancing act between resources, food, military and crafting an advantage through clever use of leaders and technology. I am also a big fan of Sid Meier’s Civilization. I still remember my first conquest victory as the Germans over the Russians when I was 10 years old. Victory in a civ game has always been oh so sweet.

#2 Love To Lose
Castles of Mad King Ludwig

I love CMKL for its top-down design view because it reminds me of my map drawing days as a dungeon master. The collector’s edition took the visual aesthetics to the highest level, coupled with great bidding and bonus mechanics that provide engaging turns as well as intense room placement. "Testing" rooms by desperately trying to fit them in a tight space before actually purchasing is pretty common in my plays of the game. CMKL is a boardgame I would happily lose because I’m busy building my own themed castle (all underground Batcave anyone?) instead of catering to the maniacal whims of King Ludwig. It doesn’t even have to be a Batcave you know, just a logical "one of every type of room" sort of castle sometimes tickles my fancy.

#3 Need To Win
Seasons / The Vale of Eternity

Jank Magic: The Gathering decks always fascinated me so the combolicious card play of Seasons and now, The Vale of Eternity naturally draw me in. One would think that pulling off crazy combos would be the objective itself but nothing beats those moments when "I do this, triggering this, which lets me do that and so I win". I am still challenging myself to get to 60 points before the 10th round in The Vale of Eternity.

#3 Love To Lose
Dungeon Lords

The uber rules heavy Dungeon Lords feels like it was designed to trip you up and watch you fail with the satisfaction of a job well done. So, I lean into the danger and go after something fun instead. What’s really cool in Dungeon Lords is that it is one of the few boardgames (I think Tokaido is another) that grants titles with points such as: The Lord of Dark Deeds, The Tunnellord and The Lord of Imps (always coveted). Winning hardly matters when you are crowned The Lord of Imps that night.

It is wonderful that boardgames can elicit such a wide spectrum of emotions, thoughts and ultimately memories as a form of casual entertainment. I realize I have missed two monthly ramblings due to life getting in the way as usual. Hopefully we can return to our regular schedule with some consistency.

Until next time, keep calm and play better.

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