Game(s) Played:
Session – RFTG
Since we had yet to give Rebel vs Imperium & The Brink Of Storm a try, I asked Mo to come over and work through the game mechanics with me. I had been reading the two rulebooks over the past couple of days and the wife who was wondering what had gotten me so engrossed summed it up with “It looks like gibberish”.
Yes, to her the rulebook looks like that
It is not gibberish per se, but RFTG’s rules and gameplay can be somewhat challenging to take in at first glance. Many times I realize that the wording is extremely precise and that we occasionally get things wrong because we translate with our gut & experience and not reading the rules word for word. And occasionally we miss out a rule E-N-T-I-R-E-L-Y, like how we have been always playing with ALL the goals in play... No wonder our scores are so ridiculously high.
So after explaining how a takeover & prestige works, we were off!
[Game 1]
Mo chose to start with Rebel Freedom Fighters which was a bloody good choice seeing as how he picked up the Rebel Cantina, 3 other Rebel Worlds and the Rebel Alliance as well! It was doom from the get go. I was itching to try takeovers and choose Uplift Mercenary Force (+1 Military for every Uplift World) alongside New Galactic Order but never stood a chance the minute he put Rebel Pact down (+2 / +1 defense for each Rebel Military World / Other Military World), a card that good should not have a measly cost of 1 is all I’m saying. He got an early lead in Prestige points and was Prestige Leader most of the time. We still tend to forget to resolve the Prestige Leader each turn though and we’re still not 100% sure how the durned Military Slide works, we just gave up when it became obvious that there was no way I was going to be able to takeover any of Mo’s planets.
I tried to scrounge up military power here and there, first through Imperium stuff and then through Uplift but only managed to place the Rebel Stronghold before the game ended. I spent way too many turns exploring without much effect. Card drawing is still a lot stronger through savings / selling goods.
Mo’s winning tableu
My losing tableu, hand sign courtesy of Mo
Results Of Game
Winna – Mo (74 Points) – His Rebel Alliance alone was worth 15 points!
2nd – Nitsuj (42 Points)
[Game 2]
Don’t remember Game 2 because Mo refused to take a picture of it because he L-O-S-T. So obviously, it doesn’t count.
Okay so Mo won, apparently no pictures were taken because he was not satisfied with his winning score. Sure boh.
[Game 3]
Mo lost again, so yes you guessed it! No pictures :( Thankfully, I do remember some details about what happened in Game 3.
I opened with Earth’s Lost Colony & Mo with Alien Research Team. Things just seemed to fall in place for me with Rare Goods Worlds and the Mining Conglomerate. Its a pretty hard to beat combo in my opinion especially when Mo was still exploring and only had his Start World in his tableu when I was already on to my 4th card in my tableu. And guess what? The Mining League showed up! But didn’t get played as I used my Prestige bonus to Consume x3 VP to end the game.
Mo did manage to come significantly close, primarily through the Alien Cornucopia (+1 Prestige for each Production World settled) which is seriously bent. If he had Terraforming Robots (which he was looking for) I think I would’ve lost the game.
Results Of Game
Winna – Nitsuj (42 Points)
2nd – Mo (39 Points)
Rebel vs Imperium & The Brink Of War certainly makes the game more interesting. I do however have to look into how exactly all those markers work and experience at least one takeover to fully understand the entire mechanic. We’ll probably try the Rebel vs Imperium variant next where each Player starts as either the Rebels or the Imperium. That and I’ve got to figure out a good shuffling technique now that the card deck has grown to like nearly 300 cards.
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