Wednesday, March 20, 2013

Reminiscing - Statistics

20th of March 2013 (Wednesday)


Sometimes after you've finished a particularly epic session and your adrenaline is pumping whilst you, the winner, scream "BEST WIN EVAR!" and doing your fist bumping against the sky only for some cheap loser at the table to deflate your ego a little by saying in his / her fake posh British accent, "As I recall, old chap, in the summer of '98, I scored higher than that in my last win." And then the ceremonial festival of accusing everyone else of having the memory of a goldfish begins.

Whilst this festival is steeped in tradition and history, I have decided to end this contest by presenting to you, the following:

Player statistics of the "It Began With Titan" group

It took some time to dig up all the posts since the very beginning of the boardgaming hobby but here it all is. You can count your overall win / play ratio, your best win / play ratio game and most importantly, we can finally settle who has the "BEST WIN EVAR!". Priceless.

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