In what is likely to be our last episode of Season 2 of KFCgamers, we had quite a big turnout as we were having the session on a public holiday. Without realizing it, the group is now already 2 years old although we've had only 5 sessions in Season 2 compared to 10 sessions in Season 1. In light of this reducing trend, it seems probable that KFCgamers will carry on on a limited basis & have sessions centred around the holidays instead of following a monthly schedule.
Game(s) Played:
Session – 7 Wonders
Wanting to start with something light, we decided to go with 7 Wonders since 3 of the 5 Players are experienced & we assumed that we could get through one game pretty quickly.
I sat out of this round to play a quick game of The Agents with Alan as we got the kids settled in.
We haven't played 7 Wonders in quite some time but it's a great game to break out with fairly experienced Players & get everyone in the mood for the meatier games to come.
As always, seating arrangement is of paramount importance in games like 7 Wonders. There were great cries of astonishment when the final scores were tallied & it was discovered that Jimmy had quietly sneaked in as the winner.
Time Taken: 60 minutes
Results Of Game(s)
Winna - Jimmy (52 VPs)
Second - Howard (48 VPs)
Third - Gideon (42 VPs)
Fourth - Albert (39 VPs)
Dead Last - Edward (38 VPs)
Session – The Agents
Based on experience, a 2 Player game of The Agents is actually pretty fast so I took that out to play with Alan whilst waiting for the other group to end then they would commence their game of Legendary: A Marvel Deck Building Game (which is actually a mouthful to say).
I have seen the updated rules for The Agents on the second Kickstarter but have not updated my copy of the rules so we played with the older rules which actually makes for a faster game in my opinion.
Being cautious Players as we were, most of the Agents ended up in one faction with many abilities being "other faction" related (in effect useless actions since the other faction was empty). Alan started turning the tides through Agent extraction so I had to throw caution to the winds, play a big point free Agent & move the 2 Extractors together, hope Alan wouldn't extract one of them (he didn't) then played the Stand United Mission for 4 Points & the win.
Time Taken: 30 minutes
Results Of Game(s)
Justin - 40 Points
Alan - 36 Points
Session – Legendary: A Marvel Deck Building Game
Legendary: A Marvel Deck Building Game takes advantage of the Marvel craze that has enveloped the world, bringing about the rise of geek culture once again. Having said that, Legendary: A Marvel Deck Building Game pulls zero punches when it comes to the difficulty level, something our group of gamers finds out real quick over the course of two games versus the evil mastermind... Loki.
To be fair, Loki is considered to be ranked about 6th or so in the difficulty ranking & they were only one hit shy of beating him
Time Taken: 120 minutes
Results Of Game(s)
Round 1 - Loki Wins
Round 2 - Loki Pwns
Session – Castles of Mad King Ludwig
In Castles of Mad King Ludwig, we are all architects building castles to the whims & fancies of good ol' Mad King Ludwig. Castles of Mad King Ludwig is actually the successor to Suburbia, a city builder game where my primary complaint is that the city that comprises of only parks beats the more well balanced city in terms of facilities & job opportunities just because the game mechanics say so. To think that such a simple explanation of building for a mad king actually combines theme & game mechanics & strategy so elegantly in one stroke.
This is actually a combined picture with two pictures ago. Edward seemed really interested in the progress of the table behind him
Castles of Mad King Ludwig is actually a fairly simple game where Players take turns to build their castle made up of various rooms such as throne rooms, dining rooms, dungeons & green houses. At the end of the game, each castle is judged by the Mad King Ludwig based on his strange tastes (which are revealed up front at the start). What makes Castles of Mad King Ludwig interesting is that each turn, a Player gets to act as the bank & market as it were & determine the price of rooms as well as receive purchase payments as income, effectively making each Player a determining factor in the economy of the game that affects all Players & most of all, themselves as this is their primary source of income in the game.
In the end, Jimmy's castle was the one that ticked all the right boxes in Mad King Ludwig's books, giving him a wide margin in scoring & hence the title as craziest architect in the kingdom of Ludwig (although for my books, the weirdest castle actually belonged to Kylie, who had a bottomless pit, rooms that went downstairs then upstairs again & no sleeping rooms?).
Time Taken: 120 minutes
Results Of Game(s)
Da Winna - Jimmy (106 Points)
Second - Louanna (90 Points)
Third - Kylie (72 Points)
Last - Simon (68 Points)
Session – King of Tokyo
I was not actually around for this game as I had to push off for lunch. They actually wanted to play a short game so I'm not sure why King of Tokyo took so long.
Time Taken: 60 minutes
Results Of Game(s)
Da Winna - Howard
Second - Jimmy
Third - Edward
Last - Simon & Kylie (double elimination)
King of Tokyo is supposed to be a simpler version of King of New York, however never having played it I can't say much about it
1 comment:
So, now we know...Jimmy is the hidden threatXD
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