Thursday, July 28, 2016

SWAGamers MTG Championship #2 2016

17th July 2016 (Saturday)

Game(s) Played:

Session – 2016 SWAGamers Cube Championships
We took a bit of a break in June, this tends to happen if there are only four Saturdays that month and a whole lot of things happening like camp, class, baby's doctor appointment, weddings et cetera. However we are now back with a BANG and I'm here to bring you coverage from our annual Cube Championships and as you have probably already noticed, we have a new name for our group!

SWAGamers stands for Subang's Wandering, Ambivalent Gamers... and we have SWAG! That's why the "AMERS" is a rather violent font. Surprisingly this took me only 1/10th the time it took me to do the original logo.

We decided to go with my "Strictly Best Return To Ravnica Block Cube" which is basically comprised of the singletons of the best of each Guild and color (including artifacts) plus an extra copy of each Guildgate. Anyways, let's have a look at our Players...


Gideon & Sean are the most up to date Players in this pool and regularly participate in local tourneys. Mo & I basically play Magic at the Cube Championships once a year and Edward is a returning Player since last playing during 4th or 5th edition.

During the drafting, we made the same mistake as last year by having all the "new"er Players all clumped together resulting in a massive backlog between Moses & Edward. As we took a little longer than expected, we opted to still do a three round Swiss without time limits and just play for standings without any top four or top two. To help with the Swiss pairings this time, I decided to go with MtG Arena which was much easier to use than the app I was using in our previous Cube Championships.

Apart from the slightly slower turns, the draft seemed to go swimmingly without the usual glancing daggers of accusation or indignant cries of thievery that accompany most drafts. I was initially aiming to "JUND THEM" but ended up going "GRIZZET" in the first round, promptly forgot about it in the second round heading back to JUND and then remembered I’m now a GRIZZET in the third.

Maybe there was a Psyduck nearby

As there were only five of us, I couldn't take many pictures to share on the blog and I can't really comment on the other matches as even when I got the bye for the 3rd round, I was entertaining the kids who were playing interior decorators in the cafe. Instead I will share the mini-interviews I did with each Player on their decks and their performance at the Cube Championships.

Sean was a pain to deal with more because of the removal at his disposal

I felt that I was quite evenly matched with Gideon and his milling didn't really affect me too much

I didn't play Moses but I think if he had apportioned his land cards correctly, his deck would've done much better

Edward picked Boros which was a pretty good idea because there were some really good Boros cards in the draft and the guild was totally open

I think I placed too much reliance on my win condition but it was really fun to play

And here are my only pictures of the event:

This was from Round 3 when I got the bye

Here you see Mo's creature tokens deck at work

Here you see both Gideon's and Sean's bomb cards facing off against each other

Time Taken: 210 minutes

Results Of Game(s)

It was to be expected that Sean & Gideon would do well but I'm a bit surprised that Edward placed higher than Gideon because of his bye round. I am still not too familiar with the formula behind the rankings. Overall, everyone seemed happy at how their decks operated and just wished that we had more time to go a few more rounds.

So a big congratulations to Sean who is our Cube Champion for 2016! (We didn't even have time for a victory photo) And do look forward to our next session where we return to regular boardgame coverage on a monthly basis.

Shout-out to Mustard Seed Cafe for being such gracious hosts to us.

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