Saturday, September 24, 2016

Session - SWAGamers S0305 (Glass Road, Legendary: A Marvel Deck Building Game)

18th September 2016 (Saturday)

Due to the long weekend we had very fluid attendance numbers right up to the night before. After the settling of breakfast in our tummies, we had a final count of five gamers and three kids. And this is what we played...

Game(s) Played:

Session – Glass Road


It was actually really, really hard to do a "Play Better" on this session for two reasons. (1) I wasn’t actually an in-game Player this time & (2) I’ve been playing one (game-changing) rule wrong since the day I got this game! The only thing going through my mind was how devastating it felt to have been playing the game wrong for so long, it is somewhat akin to playing Monopoly and not realizing that you’re supposed to collect $200 when you pass go.

It always feel strange playing across from Edward & Howard

So about one and a half rounds into the game, I’m perusing the rulebook and at the same time thinking, why the heck are most of the points buildings in the game so useless, particular those that give points for adjacency to something. Then I stumble upon it on page 8, "You may remove Landscape Tiles... at any time". Man no wonder this game felt so hard. So we introduced this new "ability" in the third round onwards, much to the relief of Edward who was on a building spree, until he forgot to choose builder roles for his hand of five cards for the round.

The only game besides Bohnanza that draws laughter from the Players each round

We did play with a variant rule where we revealed the next building tile that was going to come up so that you could do some forward planning. This was capitalized on by Gideon who was prepared to snap up the Mason’s Guild (this building always feels OP to me). It did look like it was a good implementation and I will probably be playing with this variant from now on.

Time Taken: 90 minutes (This should have been shorter if not for Howard & Edward who also poked at each others’ APness)

Results Of Game(s)
Combined Winnahs – Gideon & Edward (18.5 Points)
Second – Valentina (18 Points)
Last – Howard (12.5 Points)

I was predicting Gideon & Valentina to come first & second, mostly because Gideon had the Mason’s Guild which was 9 Points in the bag and Valentina was the most efficient Player, managing to play each and every one of her role cards over 3 rounds! So it was a surprise to see Edward spring in from nowhere, particularly when he made a boo boo with his five role cards in the final round, forgetting to pick a builder role after having collected all his required resources.

We made Edward count his score three times

Gideon: So how do we break the tie?
*flip flip flip*
Justin: Uh, you don’t?
Gideon & Edward: WHAT?!?!
*sheepish grin*
Justin: Sorry?

Session – Legendary


Perhaps a bit unwisely, I suggested we up the difficulty to keep the game short as most of us had plans before 1pm. And so, we introduce Mister Sinister, number 6 on the difficulty scale and enemy of the X-men, particularly obsessed with Cyclops for some reason. I say unwise because reducing the difficulty level would have probably resulted in a much shorter game instead.

There’s a good reason he’s called Mister Sinister

On the heroes side, we picked Jean Grey, Spider Man, Black Cat, Gambit, Angel & Professor Xavier. Midway through the game we realized that most of the heroes were "recruiting" heroes and very few "power" heroes were available which further prolonged the game. Surprisingly it was Jean Grey and Professor Xavier who had the most power, Spider Man was a terrible disappointment, more so for being my choice.

Our mission to protect Baby Hope Summers actually failed twice and we were only one away from a loss when we decided to call it quits because the game had sadly taken too long. All most of us were doing was using Spider Man to draw into more Spider Men.

Time Taken: 60 minutes

Results Of Game(s)
Mister Sinister (WINS) – Heroes (LOSE)

I’m not sure having such high difficulty levels in Legendary makes the game more enjoyable. It seems more like the heroes taking a horrendous beating at the start, reach a level of impasse with the inflow of baddies then struggle to reach that point where we can do just enough damage to hit the big baddie. Like having enough gold to buy Provinces in Dominion but taking a hundred times longer to achieve that. I do enjoy playing Legendary but will probably be happier to play Magneto level difficulty at most.

Howard showing me the terrible hand he’s got

Howard: I say we do one last round and if we can hit Mister Sinister even once we call it our win
Everyone: "Yeah okay" "Sounds good" "At least you can do it if we can’t"
*Howard’s turn*
Howard: Uh, guys? Hehehe... I don’t think I can lah
*Potong stim*

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