Game(s) Played:
No, really, the following post has MAJOR spoilers for the Gloomhaven campaign. This has been your spoiler warning.
Gloomhaven #5 – (3) Inox Encampment
Game: Gloomhaven
Designer: Isaac Childres
Players: 1 – 4 Players
Playing Time: 30 – 120 minutes (This Play: 120 minutes)
Main Mechanisms: Role Playing, Legacy, Hand Management
Thalia, Xanna and Rincewind are walking along the road back to Gloomhaven when they find All Might face down in a field just outside the walls with no pants on. Waking the sleeping giant, All Might sits up in one fluid jerk and screams "ONE MORE FOR THE CRAGHEART AND TEN MORE FOR ME!!!" Clearly having had too much to drink, the party pick up their comrade in arms and head for the city gates.

Since we were brought up to chop limbs and not trees, we choose to be guards (Option A) which is for the best given All Might's drunken state
After returning to Gloomhaven and doing some clothes shopping for All Might and some gear for the rest of us, the party decides that it is time to follow up on Jekserah's quest to teach the tribe of Inox a lesson. Even as they are leaving the city, Xanna asks if All Might has any reservations going up against a tribe of Inox seeing as he is an Inox himself. All Might has no issues selling his own dear grandmama for coin to get a drink so bashing a few skulls of potential kinsmen is not a problem to him.

Mad scientists all these Quartyls are… … Good thing we chose Option B or there'd be one less mad Quartyl out there
Faced with not just overwhelming numbers but overwhelming muscles as well, Thalia & Xanna steal furtive glances at each other even as they contemplate leaving All Might behind and making a run for it. Looking over at Rincewind, they see him fumbling with a shimmering material then he marches forward to the front of the group and completely disappears as he throws something over himself.
Utter chaos starts to break out even as Rincewind starts to trip up the Inox Guards whilst in invisible mode and Xanna fires her "Net Shooter" at the three Inox Guards on the left. All Might manages to hold his ground against the three Inox Guards facing off against him whilst Thalia disappears into the background, the occasional opportunistic flying dagger finding its target even as the Inox Guards try to get themselves upstanding and free themselves from the net.
Only three Inox Guards remain as the tribe's feeble old Inox Shaman arrives with his entourage of four heavily muscled Inox Archers. As Rincewind's invisibility effect starts to fade, he and Xanna step back out of range of the Inox Archers and prepare devastating AOE attacks even as Thalia jumps back into the fray to cut-off the advance of the Inox Archers. Even as the party is dealing with the Archers, Xanna notes that more and more Inox Guards are arriving every turn and quickly aims her "Flame Thrower" at the nearby bushes to start a fire which begins to spread.
In the literal heat of battle, Thalia spies a sniper Inox Archer in the next building. She grabs a fire brand, runs up to the home and throws the fire brand into the building to smoke any enemies out. Even as the previously hidden Inox Guard and Archer stumble out of the home, Xanna and Thalia turn around to deal with them before they can recover from their hacking coughs.
All Might manages to hold off a whole horde of five Inox Guards whilst Rincewind launches an "Icy Blast" at the grouped up Inox Guards. Even as the Guards are frozen, All Might crouches and launches himself forward as he "Tramples" through the whole group of Inox Guards, taking out two of them even as they begin to thaw once again.
Knowing that he is about to run out of mana, Rincewind turns to Thalia and calls for the Pick and Roll play, screening Thalia from view even as he takes the brunt of the Inox Guard's backhand swipe at his head. Thalia comes up on Rincewind's right and makes a clean slice through the Inox Guard's artery and then there were only four Inox Guards left.
All Might strikes down yet another Inox Guard but somehow they just keep coming. As he squares off against the next two Inox Guards, a resounding crash alerts them that the forest is now on fire and is threatening to swallow the entire encampment whole with whoever suicidal enough to be left fighting in it. Clearly time has run out. Grabbing Rincewind by the belt, All Might, Xanna and Thalia leg it out of the encampment before the fire consumes them.
Now let's cut to the action in real time!
Results Of Game(s)
Justin aka Rincewind "Hey it worked!!!" – 24 Exp & 18 Gold
Moses aka All Might "You're still dead though"
Gideon aka Thalia "Now you see me" – 16 Exp
Sean aka Xanna "Medic incoming"
+2 Prosperity
It is International Tabletop Day and we are celebrating by doing three Gloomhaven scenarios in a single day! Lookout for Part #6 and even Part #7 which happened on Labour Day!
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