Friday, August 31, 2018

Gloomhaven #17 - (14) Frozen Hollow

26th August 2018 (Sunday)

Game(s) Played:

No, really, the following post has MAJOR spoilers for the Gloomhaven campaign. This has been your spoiler warning.

Gloomhaven #17 – (14) Frozen Hollow

Game: Gloomhaven
Designer: Isaac Childres
Players: 1 – 4 Players (This Play: 5 Players)
Playing Time: 30 – 120 minutes (This Play: 70 minutes)
Main Mechanisms: Role Playing, Legacy, Hand Management


It's a bright, sunny morning in Gloomhaven as the group of All Might "The Symbol Of Peace", Xanna "Master Artificer to the Etherium Crafters" & Splinter "Karoke Kingu" step out onto the street choked filled with people. All Might tosses Thalia's letter into the nearest bin, which read:

"I can't believe you recruited the scrawny Vermling! I'm leaving and not coming back until you get rid of that walking, disease-ridden, flea infested furball! – Thalia "Heir Of Saint Traft""

"No skin off my back" mumbles All Might. Turning to his compatriots, "What's going on with all these people?"

Like it or not, community work can raise anybody's PR, even ours

As the party are walking away from the foundation site, a priest grabs hold of All Might's arm and speaks deadpan, "Hail commands you, bring her the orb". As if coming out of a daze, the priest shakes his head, looks at All Might and smiles, "Excuse me good sir" and moves on into the crowd.

"Who's Hail?" asks Splinter to which All Might looks pointedly at Xanna.
"I guess you'll find out. Duty calls it seems" responds Xanna, "Let's head out".

Part with our money?!?! We may be raving lunatics but fools we certainly are NOT

"And so that's how we ended up 'dead' here..." finishes Xanna as they arrive at the Frozen Hollow.
"I remember that story you told us, so it wasn't a dream after all" comments All Might, "So where are the mangy dogs that gave you so much trouble at the start?"
Splinter sniffs the air and says, "They come."

Time to wipe the stain of our dishonour away

"Oh crap, you weren't joking when you said they were fast!" exclaims All Might as the HOUNDS come screaming out behind the boulder like gray bullets.
A gray kunai flies out of Splinter's hands, pinning one of the HOUND'S paws to the ground causing it to yelp in agony. "One out, for now" comments Splinter as the remaining 3 HOUNDS charge them from the front.

Speaking of déjà vu, hasn't this happened to us before?

Xanna pulls her Dreadeka from out of her pocket and tosses it to the ground whilst unstoppering a healing potion with her other hand for All Might's benefit. As the Dreadeka & Splinter try to harry the HOUNDS on the fringe, All Might is forced to defend himself against the full brunt of the attacks, taking many wounds in the process.

As the last HOUND is cut down, Xanna and Splinter take-off up the mountain as if pre-coordinated whilst All Might is left struggling against the LIVING SPIRITS who latch on to him causing him to become curséd with an éd. Xanna indicates the opening in the trees that she had mentioned in her recollection earlier and Splinter nods, pulling a stun bomb and a bolas from his leather holster. Scampering up the tree, Splinter sees the two lead FROST DEMONS and takes careful aim. A puff of smoke on the ground beneath the larger FROST DEMON is accompanied by a blinding flash of light, stunning the creature's sight and sound followed by a loud crash as the other lead FROST DEMON collapses to the ground with its legs tied up by the bolas.

Leave anyone behind if the situation warrants it

With All Might catching up to the group, the party moves through the opening to kick the FROST DEMONS in the nadgers whilst they're still down. Clearly FROST DEMONS have other means of reproduction as they begin to stand without any apparent discomfort. Before they are fully upright, Xanna pulls out a second crossbow, sets her sight on both and pulls the trigger.

Meet "Des" & "Troy"

As they approach the chamber, Splinter hears the growls behind the doors as he places his hand on the iron latch. Leaping up onto the door he kicks the door inwards and uses it as a spring board to jump behind All Might. The door slams inwards, catching one HOUND sharply on the jaw with a loud crack, instantly killing it, whilst the second HOUND leaps through the doorway after Splinter. Splinter manages to twist in mid-air and jam two fingers into the back of the HOUND'S neck and it crashes into the snow drift, whining piteously as it paralyzed.

It's the little things that bring humour to a game, not the big, epic fantasy battles

As the LIVING SPIRITS and FROST DEMON gather in the doorway of the chamber, All Might leads with his sword and carves a pathway into the chamber, Splinter only a split second behind him where All Might leads with damaging strikes, Splinter focuses on disabling the enemies, leaving slashed hamstrings in his wake.

Xanna quickly dons the BOOTS OF LEVITATION that she had commissioned based on the drawings given by All Might, and quietly makes her way to the Treasure Chest in the corner, missing all the traps laid out as she floats a foot above the ground. Pouring a few drops of acidic solution into the lock, the Treasure Chest opens to yield 20 Gold to Xanna who giggles with glee.

Adventurers like us live to deliver the "burn" to our teammates

As All Might slashes through the last LIVING SPIRIT that dissipates with a wail of agony, the only foe left is the stunned HOUND who is starting to rouse just outside the chamber doors. As it turns to look at the party, it gives a friendly bark and wags its tail.

"What did you do to it?" asks Xanna quizzically.
"Can your fingers turn enemies into allies?" All Might follows-up.
"You're talking about a bard, I merely used some essence of HOUND pee, the ninja's tool for breaking and entering, would you like some?" asks Splinter in return.
All Might and Xanna's emphatically shakes their heads and backs away from Splinter.
"Let's just get the orb and head back to Gloomhaven" says Xanna turning back into the chamber to look for the orb.

Maybe Gloomhaven 3.0 can introduce dual-classing

Ooo!!! Finally something to do with all the moolah we've earned

Now let's cut to the action in real time!

Results Of Game(s)

Justin aka Rincewind "I live to cause status effects" – 38 Exp (LVL UP!) & 3 Gold & 1 Tick
Sean aka Xanna "I love you BOOTS OF LEVITATION" – 45 Exp & 36 Gold & 2 Ticks (+1 PERK)
Moses aka All Might "Stop cursing me!" – 59 Exp (LVL UP!) & 46 Gold & 1 Tick
+1 Reputation
+1 Prosperity

We will be back with more Gloomhaven in two weeks' time.

Until next time, keep calm and play better.

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