Saturday, February 23, 2019

Session - SWAGamers S06E02 (Machi Koro, Glass Road & Small World)

16th February 2019 (Saturday)

Game(s) Played:

And welcome back to another edition of our monthly meet-ups to teach, learn & play boardgames for the niche group of us who are strangely only free on Saturday mornings. And we are back for Glass Road Round 2 since Gideon lost by a measly 1 VP, but before that we head to the fictional Japanese city of… …

Session – Machi Koro

Game: Machi Koro
Designer: Masao Suganuma
Players: 2 – 4 Players
Playing Time: 30 minutes (This Play: 60 minutes)
Main Mechanisms: Card Drafting, Dice Rolling


Jimmy still had Chinese New Year visiting to do today so he was only joining us for one "short" game. Machi Koro may or may not be short depending on the luck of your die rolls but it's always a fun simple game to break out. In Machi Koro, you are armed with only a trusty die and a dream, you must grow Machi Koro into the largest city in the region. You will need to collect income from developments, build public works, and steal from your neighbours' coffers. Just make sure they aren't doing the same to you!

Players buy developments, farms and buildings that can generate income depending on the result of the die roll

This is the typical scene of intense scrutiny of the market for every card drafting game

As usual, I opted for a wide strategy, trying to get every building result possible so that no matter what the result of the die, I would be getting something good for myself. Jimmy instead went deep, praying to roll a 4 but always rolling a 6 instead.

Games of Machi Koro can be hilarious especially if a Player goes for the focused strategy. In this case, we had humour at Jimmy's expense since he couldn't roll a 4

Results Of Game(s)

WINNER – Henry
2nd – Justin
LAST – Jimmy

Your winner! The man who rolls dice like a Jedi Grandmaster

Session – Glass Road

Game: Glass Road
Designer: Uwe Rosenberg
Players: 1 – 4 Players
Playing Time: 75 minutes (This Play: 60 minutes)
Main Mechanisms: Role Selection, Tile Placement


So this is Gideon's revenge grudge match against we, his unworthy opponents. Henry has won once and surprisingly I have never won a game of Glass Road either. This pre-game revelation sharpened my spider senses… perhaps a little too much as you will see below.

But first! The obligatory fan of cards in hand IG shot! Clearly the country of Glass Road has not much gender equality in the job market

This turned out to be a really difficult game for me, mainly because Henry was mirroring each and every Specialist I was choosing. No kidding, take a look.

Even the order of the Specialists of Henry and mine were exactly the same!

Then Gideon was taking my buildings before I could grab them! Gah!

So I was aiming to put down a Mansion and plant two Groves adjacent to it for 6 points but I didn't have the Clay to do it.

And this is Gideon's winning Landscape, it may not look it but the buildings give Gideon 16 VPs!

Results Of Game(s)

WINNER – Gideon (20.5 VPs) *Coincidentally the same score that beat him the month before*
2nd – Justin (16 VPs)
LAST – Henry (13.5 VPs)

Your winner with his glass cup token! Okay that's the Starting Player token but it'll do

Session – Small World

Game: Small World
Designer: Philippe Keyarts
Players: 2 – 5 Players
Playing Time: 80 minutes (This Play: 80 minutes)
Main Mechanisms: Area Control, Variable Player Powers


With a little bit time left on the clock, we turned to Small World, a game I hadn't played in ages but still find very fun and easy to teach. However as with most area control games, they can turn quite vicious very quickly as I was about to find out.

For some reason, I ended up being in the middle of Henry and Gideon's races most of the game, pincered in between two hostile forces.

This was the only time Gideon made a major offensive against Henry, using the Dragon to blow away Henry's cloning Sorcerers

Even my peaceful, tree loving, urm "Underground" Elves came under heavy fire on all sides

Henry kept abandoning regions to fill up one or two regions with a chock full of forces, a strategy I had never seen or heard of before and very tactically sound but it didn't net him very many points in the end. But he kept picking highly reproductive races like the Sorcerers and the Skeletons and he only ended up using two races instead of three like Gideon and I. Gideon on the other hand was living it up, keeping his declined races on one side as a buffer and attacking me on the other side.

Results Of Game(s)

WINNER – Gideon (103 VPs)
2nd – Henry (72 VPs)
LAST – Justin (70 VPs)

Gideon's winning races, the Diplomatic Halflings, the Pillaging Orcs and the Alchemist Wizards!

Thanks for coming out everyone! We're going to leave Glass Road behind and move on to Smash Up next month!

Until next time, keep calm and play better.

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