Saturday, March 30, 2019

Gloomhaven #27 - (23) Deep Ruins

24th March 2019 (Sunday)

Game(s) Played:

No, really, the following post has MAJOR spoilers for the Gloomhaven campaign. This has been your spoiler warning.

Gloomhaven #27 – (23) Deep Ruins

Game: Gloomhaven
Designer: Isaac Childres
Players: 1 – 4 Players
Playing Time: 30 – 120 minutes (This Play: 150 minutes)
Main Mechanisms: Role Playing, Legacy, Hand Management


Before we start, there's something different about today's Gloomhaven session report. And that is I don't have any pictures from the session, because I was using my phone to record the timelapse video, which you might notice, looks a lot better than the previous recordings I did on the iPad. So instead I'm putting up Travis Hanson's really great comics, I'm backing his latest kickstarter which closed at $61,700 a week ago. If you're interested you might be able to get in on a late pledge HERE. And with that, let's carry on with our story…

Our raucous group of adventurers are just about to exit the Corpsewood and come into viewing distance of Gloomhaven, when a rumbling sound reverberates around the wood, scaring the smaller birds and animals into flight. The group lock their accusing stares on the un-sheepish grin plastered across All Might 'The Symbol Of Peace's (Brute) big, ugly mug.

"I'm HUNGRY! You didn't let me pack the CAVE BEAR so don't blame my stomach for complaining" grumbles All Might. His eyes light up as they walk past a bush with glistening red berries.

Thankfully, we were wise enough to avoid the berries, well everyone except All Might that is

The big Brute pops a berry into his mouth before the rest of the party's cries of protests can stop him and down goes the giant, crashing to the forest floor. Plucking a berry from the bush, Splinter 'Karaoke Kingu' (Mindthief) examines it before crushing it between his fingers, "It's a mild sedative. Looks like he'll be out for a few hours". Furnishing a makeshift harness, the group pulls All Might along as they enter the city, purposely not being careful to avoid the rocks and holes in the road.

After dumping All Might in the Sleeping Lion to sleep it off, the group have a nice quiet meal for once and are taking a stroll down the riverside when…

Hm… is this scene lifted from Transformers in finding the All Spark?

Coming into the square, a group of shadowy individuals dash across the crosswalk and lift the entrance into the sewer, climbing into the underbelly of Gloomhaven. As the last shadow jumps into the hole in the ground, a long appendage swishes from underneath its cloak, revealing that Vermlings are once again taking over the sewers. Ever prepared for danger the group arms themselves and proceeds to follow the Vermlings back into the sewers, ignoring the stench that should only ever invade the senses of any individual once per lifetime.

How is it that we have to run around powering up ancient artifacts because the battery is dead but the security system of a long dead civilization continues to work after aeons of disuse?

The ANCIENT ARTILLERY adjust their sights on the party, taking aim at their closest enemy, Lyramof 'The Polite' (Cragheart). Not missing a beat, Thalia 'Heir of Saint Traft' (Scoundrel) launches her daggers at the ANCIENT ARTILLERY to her left and like the Death Star trench run, both daggers miraculously disappear down the nozzle of the ANCIENT ARTILLERY, cracking the internal ammunition which combusts and causes a small explosion of metal plates and flaming screws.

Splinter and Lyramof's attentions are directed at the statue coming to life in front of them, revealing it to be a STONE GOLEM. Lyramof's war hammer sings in the air as it comes into contact with the STONE GOLEM's broad chest, and bounces off!

This happens when you roll a 19 to hit and the DM says "You missed"

Only suffering a scratch on its chest plate, the STONE GOLEM picks up a nearby boulder and heaves it at Lyramof. Bringing up his forearm in time, the Cragheart is still wounded by the broken shards of the exploding boulder and the remaining ANCIENT ARTILLERY's aim sings true as Lyramof is then blown back by the shot, to be caught and steadied by the now invisible Splinter.

Shouldering past the wounded Lyramof, Thalia engages the STONE GOLEM, fending off its attacks as it tries to reach the wounded Lyramof to finish the job. The invisible Splinter runs its crooked claw down the length of his dagger, chanting a frost cantrip before plunging his dagger into the side of the STONE GOLEM causing it to be stunned for a few minutes. Splinter's attention is diverted when Lyramof cries out in pain, the ANCIENT ARTILLERY having taken another shot at him whilst the party's focus was on the STONE GOLEM.

Feeling the invisibility effect coming to an end, the Mindthief leaps towards the ANCIENT ARTILLERY at a run, focusing his mind on his short sword, Splinter shears off the nozzle of the ANCIENT ARTILLERY just as he becomes visible to the humanoid eye once again. Meanwhile, a green aura envelopes Lyramof as he calls on the energy of nature to patch his wounds and repair the holes in his rocky body. Seizing the opportunity of a stunned enemy, Thalia focuses on the joints of the STONE GOLEM and with speed too fast for the humanoid eye to capture, hits all the joints simultaneously, breaking apart the frozen STONE GOLEM.

Under normal circumstances, the party should never split up in any D&D Campaign, so having this in the game makes our usually confident party less secure about our victory

Splinter notes the STONE GOLEM, LIVING BONES and two ANCIENT ARTILLERIES in the next room, each ANCIENT ARTILLERY guarding one of the two branching paths to the left and right. The treasure chest still on his mind, he turns back into the first chamber to have a look at its contents, passing by Thalia who places a hand on the Vermling's shoulder, "That one's trapped" but the Vermling shrugs off the arm and walks towards the treasure chest.

You can't stop our love for all things hidden!!!

In his eagerness, Splinter lifts up the lid of the treasure chest without checking for traps, the faintest of clicks saves him as he instinctively leaps aside, narrowly avoiding the 4 foot spike that shoots up from the ground. Despite the Vermling's supernatural agility, the skewer does nick the Vermling's thigh and Splinter curses himself as he looks into the empty treasure chest.

Meanwhile, Lyramof is contemplating his choices between the STONE GOLEM on his right and the LIVING BONES on his left when a tiny grenade flies overhead and explodes at the LIVING BONES' feet, thin wires with small grapples shoot out from the explosion site, entangling the LIVING BONES and anchoring it to the ground. His choice made for him, Lyramof steps up to the STONE GOLEM and deals a ringing blow to its torso, stopping its advance. A breeze blows by, the only sign that Thalia has arrived to join the fight, her dagger slipping through the tough defense of the STONE GOLEM. As the STONE GOLEM is forced backwards, Thalia realizes that they are now in range of the ANCIENT ARTILLERIES and she quickly disengages to take out the ANCIENT ARTILLERY guarding the left corridor.

Splinter who manages to stun his second STONE GOLEM in this scenario makes a dash for the ANCIENT ARTILLERY of the right corridor, launching his daggers as he leaps from side to side, trying to confuse the ANCIENT ARTILLERY's sights. Just as the ANCIENT ARTILLERY is about to fire, Splinter pulls his CLOAK OF INVISIBILITY over his head and disappears from view, confusing the ANCIENT ARTILLERY's internal programming further whilst Lyramof bashes in the core of the stunned STONE GOLEM, returning it to its dormant state.

At the end of the other corridor, Thalia takes a breath and disappears into the darkness as she opens the door into the final chamber. The LIVING SPIRIT and two LIVING BONES turn towards the open door, but not sensing anyone, they filter past the invisible Thalia as they make towards the exit. Timing her next move perfectly, Thalia rubs the RING OF SKULLS on her left ring finger, summoning the LIVING BONES right into the space between the LIVING SPIRIT and LIVING BONES, trapping the two LIVING BONES between them. Coming out of the shadows, Thalia's dirks do lethal damage as her summoned creature holds them down to prevent them from dodging it's summoner's attacks.

Lyramof swings his warhammer in an overhand chop and the ANCIENT ARTILLERY is reduced to broken cogs and springs. As Lyramof bends down to retrieve his “trophy”, Splinter turns his attentions towards the final door at the end of the corridor.

Approaching the door at the end of the corridor an ominous feeling comes over Splinter and he melts into the shadows as a safety blanket. Pushing the door open, Splinter sees the enemies waiting for him, all two STONE GOLEMS and three ANCIENT ARTILLERIES. Not one to shy away from a challenge, Splinter looks to his companion only to see a cloud of dust as Lyramof decides not to take any chances and makes a strategic retreat towards the other corridor.

Sometimes I think I was born to be an insane dwarven berserker and everyone else had better math than I did in counting the odds

The retreating Lyramof comes upon Thalia in the left corridor, facing a LIVING SPIRIT. Inspired by the STONE GOLEM, he picks up a nearby boulder and launches it at the LIVING SPIRIT, his aim far from true and it damages both the LIVING SPIRIT and Thalia.

There's a reason why friendly fire is an option in many games… it is super hilarious

Thalia's blade pins the LIVING SPIRIT to the wall and as it disintegrates into nothingness, Thalia looks at Lyramof who grins sheepishly in apology, "Sorry, I thought it would help." The reprimands will however have to wait as Splinter's voice carries down both corridors, "THALIA! NOW!!!"

Turning back into the room Thalia sprints towards the pressure plate in the corner that she had noticed earlier and puts her weight on it, just as Splinter rushes in amongst his enemies, his invisibility fading to put his foot down on the corresponding pressure plate in his room.

We should really name our tag team duo… No Valid Targes sounds nice

Now let's cut to the action in real time!

Results Of Game(s)

Justin aka Splinter "Only two stuns today, I'm really out of shape" – 17 Exp
Gideon aka Thalia "I am the solo king, I tank, I kill, then do some looting" – 21 Exp (LVL UP!) & 3 Gold & 1 Tick
Edward aka Lyramof "(Looks at Shield 3) Everything I have does 2 damage!" – 20 Exp & 1 Tick

We will be back with more Gloomhaven in next week.

Until next time, keep calm and play better.

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