Friday, October 19, 2012

Opening - Seasons

14th of October 2012 (Sunday)


This is just a flash update of me opening my box of Seasons. Normally I would do the review at the same time as posting my box opening pictures but even the mere act of opening, punching, picture taking and re-boxing had to be split into 3 stages due to Padawan-Minigeek wanting attention from her Daddy.

So here we go!

Fresh off the boat and on my dining table! My trusty pink cutter thirsts for the taste of fresh plastic

And this is the loot you get with your game of Seasons, excellent quality and huge dice

The post-punching exercise picture (reminiscent of Small World’s box inserts), you won’t need any extra baggies for this one

And so by my count, I have 3 games that I have purchased but not played. Granted they were purchased at discounts but the trend is starting to worry me. Being a part of the cult of the new during my MTG days was, in effect, the cause of the end of my MTG days and down that road lies waste and ruin (zheng zheng zheng). Add on to the fact that my copy of Kings of Air And Steam should be shipping in November (at least that’s already paid for last year), I’m definitely contemplating a cease and desist order on issuing a Purchase Order for Mage Knight.

My only saving grace is the upcoming Young Adults Retreat where I have been asked to supply some boardgames and host some sessions for interaction purposes. Even if I don’t get some playtime, at least the games will come to something useful. Do look forward to my coverage report on the evangelism of euro boardgaming soon (or the doom of it)!

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