Sunday, April 02, 2023

Board Game Kahoot Quiz 50

02nd April 2023 (Sunday)

Monthly Rambling: Board Game Kahoot! Quiz 50

I came across this Kahoot! quiz on BGG the other day and thought to test my boardgame knowledge and see what this quiz has to say about my 13 years in the hobby. And so here come 20 questions about my hobby… …


We start off with an easy one. To date I actually have not played a physical game of Ticket To Ride, my first experience with it was online on BoardGameArena just last year. I can understand its appeal as a gateway game but I find it has lower excitement levels than even Catan. The Big Bang Theory on the other hand was an incredible experience. I watched every episode, learned science, comic lore, the eternal DC v MCU rivalry and almost cried at the gang’s rendition of "If I didn’t have you" to Bernadette. And can someone please, please make a real version of the Mystic Warlords of Ka’a.
LEARNING HISTORY – The Battle of Versailles

I guessed "The Catwalk of Milano" by the way, which would have been a much better name for a battle between fashion designers. But hey this was back in 1973 in Versailles, France so not only was the fashion sense different but there would have been translation issues as well. So this was apparently a real event, the battle was between US and France which the US won and is considered pivotal in the history of fashion. I find that strange because I only recognize one name in five on the US team whereas I recognize four names in five on the French team.
LEARNING ART – Not a boardgame

I sort of guessed that this would be a trick question, being a case of boardgame imitating art where the cover of the boardgame Orleans is based on a 13th century French illustration in the book "Li Livres dou Santé" titled "Cleric, Knight and Workman representing the three classes", basically, those who pray, those who fight and those who work. It is amazing how something from the 13th century can influence us more than seven centuries later. I doubt the illustrator at the time thought "This would make a wonderful box cover for a boardgame", this just goes to show how we are often unaware of the impact we make on this world even if it takes hundreds of years for it to come to fruition.

The person who says "boardgames can’t teach you anything" clearly has never done this quiz, I am learning loads today. So I’ve never played Tiletum, dice worker placement games need to be something really special because my brother refuses to play dice games with me. So I only had the box art to draw clues from and the mountains as well as the street fashion were all I had to go on. Admittedly Belgium would have been my third choice as I thought Belgium was flatland country. We learn something new everyday.

So the reason I thought this was an AI generated picture was because (1) the boardgame has not been released yet (2) no publisher should be approving such a dangerous game, every time this would hit the table, I would be thinking of ordering a real charcuterie board. Apparently it is a food tile drafting boardgame with tile placement as a strategic consideration, coming soon to a Kickstarter near you.

This actually came down to personal preference. Both are great games but Le Havre would definitely rank higher than Orleans if I were the only one determining the rankings on BGG. Which by the way, I still do not understand despite the tens upon hundreds of videos that tried to explain the algorithm behind it when Brass dethroned Gloomhaven from the number 1 spot back in February. That and the fact that Le Havre used to be in the Top 10 just goes to show how old but great games are not getting the recognition they deserve.

So there are seven boardgames with the word "Age" in their title among the top 500 boardgames on boardgamegeek. Honestly I thought there would be more, we have prehistoric age, ancient age, middle ages, modern age and gosh knows how many technological ages. I had never seen the cover for Age of Industry (bottom right) or Age of Steam before so I didn’t get this one. Haven’t had the opportunity to sit down to a train boardgame and honestly, I think I’m not losing out if I never come across it.
KNOW THE SERIES 1 – Tapestry

KNOW THE SERIES 2 – West Kingdom Series

I didn’t get many questions correct on this quiz but I did get these two correct, and I only own Paladins of the West Kingdom out of all the boardgames from these two series. I was a hair’s breadth away from purchasing Tapestry when it first came out, I had drifted apart from my "say no" partner (someone who basically debates with me why I shouldn’t buy a boardgame) but my finance minister aka wife stepped in brilliantly. The expansions for Tapestry look great but it is still a ridiculously expensive game.

I know Acquire is old but I was still twenty years off my guess, I also didn’t realize Kahoot! was this versatile in their question setting. I first played Acquire way back in my teens in the late nineties at my cousin’s house. I don’t recall the version but it was actually a very good game. The acquisition & mergers mechanic is copied in Lords of Vegas, which I already have, so I have not felt the need to bring this into my collection.

So I ranked 1113 in this quiz, I probably got around four to five questions correct out of twenty. So much for 13 years of boardgaming. But hey, I learned a lot from what I didn’t know and it was a fun 20 minute activity. If you’re keen to see if you could rank higher than me, look for Erik the Quizmaster @Kire on BGG, he has 50 Kahoot! quizzes you can take for a spin.

Until next time, keep calm and play better.

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