Tuesday, December 31, 2013

Session - KFCgamers S01E04 (Famiglia, Caverna)

29th of December 2013 (Sunday)

We decided to have a last minute KFCgamers session to wrap up the year & true to the "last-minuteness" of the event, we had 11 people show up instead of the original 4 that confirmed on Facebook.

Game(s) Played:


Wednesday, November 27, 2013

Session - Tash Kalar & Coal Baron

26th of November 2013 (Tuesday)

Our sitter is on holiday for two days so my wife took the day off yesterday to babysit and it falls to me today to make sure Padawan Minigeek doesn’t get herself into too much trouble. To help out (not with babysitting), Uncle Mo came by to help with the first play session of Tash Kalar & Coal Baron! (Big thank you to CK & Wai Yan for making all this possible)

Game(s) Played:
Tash Kalar

Coal Baron

Tuesday, November 26, 2013

Session - Machi Koro, Caverna, Euphoria | Opening - Caverna

24th of November 2013 (Sunday)

I had the opportunity to visit Boardgamecafe on a Friday night meetup for the first time at their new premises, the last time being way back in 2010 when the meetups where still being held at OTK Cheras. I was there mainly to pick up my kickstarter copy of Euphoria and Essen copy of Caverna but managed to sneak a round of Machi Koro in before leaving (the cost of all night gaming being too high at this stage of life).

Game(s) Played:
Machi Koro

Thursday, November 07, 2013

Session - KFCgamers S01E03 (For Sale, Tokaido, Hansa Teutonica)

3rd of November 2013 (Sunday)

Although we’re already in November, this is the sessrep for Episode 03 because the other members couldn’t find the time to organize a meetup in October either, I guess real life caught up to everyone. Sadly, due to it being the end of term exams period, we were down to 4 Players this time. Moreover, December months being what they are, it is likely that (the now redubbed) KFCgamers will be going on another 1 month hiatus until 2014. Never fear, I will be trying to have 1 or 2 boardgaming sessions with the siblings now that I’ve heard some of the kickstarter stuff has arrived / coming soon so do look forward to sessreps (or the very least, pics) of Euphoria (Dystopian society theme had me hooked), Tash-Kalar (I’m a Vlaada Chvatil fanboy), Coal Baron (rated highly at Essen 2013) & Caverna (Agricola meets Dwarf Fortress). And if The Agents makes it then definitely that too.

4th shelf? Hmm

Game(s) Played:
For Sale


Hansa Teutonica

Saturday, August 17, 2013

Session - McBoardgamers S01E01 (Cluedo Suspect, 7 Wonders, Race For The Galaxy, For Sale)

11th of August 2013 (Sunday)

It is the Hari Raya Aidilfitri weekend and whilst the streets were clear of traffic and the food establishments bare of customers, we took the opportunity to hold the first official meeting of the McBoardgamers. Here’s the session report of it:

Game(s) Played:
Cluedo Suspect

7 Wonders

Race For The Galaxy

For Sale

Friday, May 10, 2013

Wednesday, March 20, 2013

Reminiscing - Statistics

20th of March 2013 (Wednesday)


Sometimes after you've finished a particularly epic session and your adrenaline is pumping whilst you, the winner, scream "BEST WIN EVAR!" and doing your fist bumping against the sky only for some cheap loser at the table to deflate your ego a little by saying in his / her fake posh British accent, "As I recall, old chap, in the summer of '98, I scored higher than that in my last win." And then the ceremonial festival of accusing everyone else of having the memory of a goldfish begins.