Saturday, July 21, 2018

Gloomhaven #13 - (14) Frozen Hollow

14th July 2018 (Sunday)

Game(s) Played:

No, really, the following post has MAJOR spoilers for the Gloomhaven campaign. This has been your spoiler warning.

Gloomhaven #13 – (14) Frozen Hollow

Game: Gloomhaven
Designer: Isaac Childres
Players: 1 – 4 Players
Playing Time: 30 – 120 minutes (This Play: 120 minutes)
Main Mechanisms: Role Playing, Legacy, Hand Management


The group held a welcome back party for Xanna after the mix-up about her uncanny resemblance to a wanted, murderous cannibal was finally sorted out when another signature murder occurred in the next town over whilst Xanna was incarcerated. Having clearly arrested the wrong humanoid, the Sergeant nevertheless was unapologetic upon releasing Xanna, claiming that such steps were necessary when faced against a greater evil.

The party went long and raucously into the night and with the arrival of dawn, came the splitting migraines associated with too much boozing, leaving Thalia and All Might nursing their hangovers with a drinker's traditional companion… the bucket.

Leaving them to their ills, Xanna, Rincewind & Lyramof leave the Sleeping Lion based on the tip-off Xanna received whilst in the slammer: that an enchanter haunts an abandoned inn in the Boiler District called the Crooked Bone, if you accomplish her quest, she will grant you powers unfathomed. As is the tradition before beginning any quest, we find our three mercenaries shopping for supplies at the Sinking Market…

Better losing the reputation than losing the gold, a negative reputation is a more accurate reflection of our nature anyways

With that small snatch thief taken care of, the crew go in search of the Crooked Bone…

These scenario effects are really starting to wear me down

We tried to do what is public safety procedure in Japan & Taiwan and look where it gets us

The tumbling of rocks and boulders from the earthquake must have spooked the HOUNDS as they come bounding out of the trees charging towards the party. Fully grown with fur the colour of silver lightning, the HOUNDS are clearly experienced in attacking as a coordinated pack, poor hunters rarely look so well fed after all. Lyramof lunges at one of the HOUNDS only for it to dodge his swing and clamp its teeth around his forearm. Immediately another HOUND flanks Lyramof, takes aim at a weak point and comes away with a huge bite of Lyramof's thigh.

I always wondered why the D&D Monster Manual included animals, now I know why

The HOUNDS continue to switch harrying and attacking roles amongst themselves, causing confusion amongst the party's ranks. Even after Rincewind and Xanna manage to take down what looked to be the leader of the pack, another HOUND steps up barking orders and the onslaught continues. Even as the last HOUND is dispatched, Rincewind hears the telling signs of the arrival of LIVING SPIRITS. Wounded as they were, the two LIVING SPIRITS that emerge from the shadows are no match against the combined attacks of the three mercenaries and are quickly banished back to the darkness.

Rounding the bend, Lyramof bashes a boulder in irritation, a loud crack breaking the silence in this frozen hollow. Xanna holds a finger to her lips and glares at Lyramof but lacks the strength to admonish him as she sits down and begins administering potions and salves to her bite wounds. Tensions high, Rincewind volunteers scouting duty to give the others a chance to rest. Pulling on his INVISIBILITY CLOAK, Rincewind pushes through the leaves only to stop short in his tracks, his invisible hand in his invisible mouth to stop himself from crying out… FROST DEMONS.

Beating a hasty retreat, Rincewind signals for Lyramof and holds up four fingers. Nodding in understanding, Lyramof looks around and eyes the broken boulder, his eyes lighting up in glee. As the FROST DEMONS break through the dense brush, a sailing massive boulder crashes right into the middle FROST DEMON, smashing him to a pulp and scattering piercing shards of stone at the nearby enemies.

Occasionally the stars do align and massive damage falls from on high

Seizing the momentum of battle, the party charges into the fray, dealing damage to the confused FROST DEMONS before they can regroup and reorganize their ranks. Wailing in despair and knowing the day is lost, the LIVING SPIRITS beat a hasty retreat as the remaining FROST DEMONS are cut down in the melee.

Having won the day through tactics and the element of surprise, the party's resources are nevertheless depleted and the freezing climate saps the reserves of the mercenaries as they make their way to the entrance of the cave.

The presence of so many enemies tests the party's resolve to breaking point. Nevertheless they rally what reserves they have to go out with a bang. Rincewind summons AID FROM THE ETHER and a Mystic Ally begins to coalesce into being, firing off laser beams at the FROST DEMON and its companion HOUNDS. Xanna loads her "Emergency Use Only" vial into her crossbow and fires off her INK BOMB killing off one of the HOUNDS and damaging the nearby foes.

Once more into the breach, dear friends!

But too little too late, there is not enough left in the party to clear the cave of its dark denizens. And so the party fall, awaiting their grim fate at the hands of their enemies.

Cue solemn FF7 music "Buried In Snow"

Now let's cut to the action in real time!

Results Of Game(s)

Justin aka Rincewind "I really should have bought the MINOR STAMINA POTION instead" – 11 Exp & 15 Gold
Sean aka Xanna "DIIIIEEEE MANGY DOOOOGGGG!!!!" –13 Exp & 65 Gold
Edward aka Lyramof "Ooops, I ran out of cards" – 7 Exp & 12 Gold

And so our first failed campaign has finally occurred, to commemorate this sad and terrible occurrence, I have refrained from my usual joking style of commentary as much as possible, the pictures have no tongue-in-cheek captions and there will be a full analytical post-mortem on why this tragedy has befallen us:

1. Communication – I had ELEMENTAL AID prepared which would give Lyramof SHIELD 2 but the distance between us was too near and going too quick on the initiative each turn to apply the SHIELD 2 would make the HOUNDS target me each turn. I should have told Lyramof to budge up a few hexes to absorb the damage.

2. Difficulty - With our regular group our total level is 16, but the scenario level still ends up being (16 / 4 / 2) = 2. Today's group total level is 10 but the scenario level remains at (10 / 3 / 2) = 2 rounded up. We should have gone with a lower difficulty.

3. Damage - Without the Rogue or Brute, we didn't really have the high damage dealers that we are used to and needed to really chip away at a monster's HP. Given the team make up we should not have used so many Ability Cards that are lost upon use.

We will be back with more Gloomhaven in one week's time.

Until next time, keep calm and play better.

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