Game(s) Played:
No, really, the following post has MAJOR spoilers for the Gloomhaven campaign. This has been your spoiler warning.
Gloomhaven #21 – (34) Scorched Summit
Game: Gloomhaven
Designer: Isaac Childres
Players: 1 – 4 Players
Playing Time: 30 – 120 minutes (This Play: 120 minutes)
Main Mechanisms: Role Playing, Legacy, Hand Management
If we lose, we offer the Inox Brute as tribute, hopefully the ELDER DRAKE will be full after that and let us go
"TODAY! I change my title to 'DRAGON SMOKIN' SLAYAA'!!!" cries out All Might "DRAGON SMOKIN' SLAYAA" (tbc) in challenge against the ELDER DRAKE.
"Technically, that's a Drake so you should be called All Might 'DRAKE SMOKIN' SLAYAA' (tbd)" quips Xanna "Master Artificer to the Etherium Crafters".
"Well the Drake says it only has one flame gland, so All Might 'DRAKE HALF SMOKIN' SLAYAA' (tba) would be more accurate" says Thalia "Heir Of Saint Traft" sagely.
"The little ones come" gestures Splinter "Karaoke Kingu" towards the incoming RENDING & SPITTING DRAKES, "I shall now sing you the song of my people".
"NOOO!!!" shouts the other three in unison.
"Look, just stick to the nerve pinching martial arts okay, that's a good Vermling" All Might says in soothing and encouraging tones.
"Shame, well let's see if we can make you All Might 'DRAKE HALF SMOKIN' SLAYAA' (tbh idc) today" replies Splinter in monotone.
"So, ahead lies doom and certain death, should we go left or right?" asks Thalia trying to get a rise out of All Might.
"We go right" is All Might's instantaneous reply, his eyes betraying his motives as he furtively glances at the Treasure Chest in the right corner.
"Why are we not surprised?" mumbles Xanna as she rolls her eyes.
Perched on a rock outcropping, the ELDER DRAKE is humongous and imposing in stature. Despite being known as the lesser cousin of the Dragon, an ELDER DRAKE's power is certainly nothing to sneeze at. As it watches the adventurers bickering amongst one another, the ELDER DRAKE barks out orders to its smaller relatives, coordinating the assault of the RENDING & SPITTING DRAKES on the adventurer's position.
As the chilli bombs start flying, All Might wastes no time, and with a few leaps and bounds to evade the darting claws and spit of the Drakes, arrives at the Treasure Chest at his feet. He cackles in delight as he bends down to open the Treasure Chest, oblivious to the assault of the lesser Drakes on his "friends".
Sighing inwardly, Thalia looks at her remaining companions and simply says "Tankless Formation". Immediately Xanna drops her cubed DANGEROUS CONTRAPTION "Dreadeka" even as Thalia rubs her RING OF SKULLS to raise an undead SKELETON. Not a minute too soon it seems, as the SPITTING DRAKE's ranged projectile splashes on the SKELETON, melting it into a messy puddle. Stepping out from behind the SKELETON's remains, Thalia swings her dirks in a cross, catching the RENDING DRAKE on both sides, decapitating it instantly. Splinter takes the initiative and launches himself out towards the Drakes seeking to flank the trio, launching his chilli bombs at point blank range, lazily evading the frantic swipes of the blinded Drakes.
Tired of the lack of progress, the ELDER DRAKE beats its wings and launches itself from its perch to land on the elevated platform behind Xanna and Thalia, seeking to pincer them. Thus far All Might is still ignored as he pulls out a suit of Drakescale Armor and examines it lovingly before placing it in his backpack, seemingly oblivious to the SPITTING DRAKE's acidic slime as it slowly dissolves through his armour's shields.
Others might think that we are always bullying Moses (aka All Might) by putting him in bad light, I'm sorry but I'm just telling it as it is, with pictorial and video evidence too
Realizing that there was now a looming shadow where there wasn't one before, Xanna looks up and sees the glowing chest plate of the ELDER DRAKE and shouts "FIRE BREATH!!!" before taking a diving leap towards Splinter's outstretched arm. The ELDER DRAKE unleashes a cone of withering fire towards Thalia and Xanna, Xanna just manages to escape the flames as Splinter pulls her out of range of the fire but Thalia only manages to hide in an alcove under the platform the ELDER is sitting on and suffers some burn damage.
Surrounded on all sides by Drakes and Zephyrs, Xanna stands next to Splinter and calls out "Stun delay" as she fires her Thunder Bolt, stunning the SPITTING DRAKE in its tracks as it convulses from electrical shocks. The ELDER DRAKE seems disinclined to descend down to the level of its enemies and so decides to give chase by heading off Splinter and Xanna at the other end of the chamber. Just as it is about to take off again, All Might pops up from behind a stalagmite…
Anticipating the return of the ELDER DRAKE to its original post, Thalia quickly finds a handhold up to the ceiling of the cavern and disappears into the shadows. Xanna has a dozen cuts and wounds from where the RENDING DRAKE and the Zephyrs had injured her and Splinter acts as a decoy to give Xanna a chance to escape to the side and heal up.
Seeing a tiny Vermling playing catch with its minions, the ELDER DRAKE lifts itself up once more to squash the Vermling and ends this farce once and for all. Landing back on its original perch, the ELDER DRAKE raises one claw to smite the unlucky Vermling just as Splinter looks up and bellows out "NOW!!!" Like a bullet, Thalia streaks towards the ELDER DRAKE, letting gravity lend her speed and force as she plunges her twin dirks into the back of the ELDER DRAKE.
Unfortunately for All Might, the unkillable Zephyrs have now cornered him and though he swings his sword mightily, his sword simply passes through the Zephyrs dealing no damage whatsoever. Surprised that the Zephyr's wind cutter attacks are drawing blood, All Might looks down to realize the shields from his armour have been dissolved into nothingness by the SPITTING DRAKE, too late the Zephyrs lay into him and so All Might "The Symbol Of Peace" becomes exhausted.
Well we did play on a higher difficulty this round but serves him right for looting instead of fighting
Cutting back to the main action, the ELDER DRAKE screams out in agony, shaking the dust and pebbles loose from the ceiling. Shaking like a dog, it shakes Thalia off its back and throws Thalia clear across the room, whilst Splinter backpedals away from the enraged ELDER DRAKE. With eyes only for Thalia, the ELDER DRAKE launches itself at her, but anticipating the attack, Thalia sidesteps the charging lizard and slices a deep furrow into the ELDER DRAKE's flank.
With deadly wounds, the ELDER DRAKE's survival instincts kick in and it attempts to head to the opposite side of the room to rest and perhaps flame these irritating adventurers into charcoal. As it licks its wounds, the ELDER DRAKE fails to see the diminutive Vermling hidden in the corner…
Babes and loot are very nice but we haven't had an increase in Prosperity for a long time and this was a very nice reward
Back in the real world…
Moses (aka All Might): "So lay it on me, what's the penalty for exhaustion? No battle goal, exp, loot?"
Justin (aka Splinter) rifles through the rulebook… "There is no penalty for becoming exhausted."
Moses: "Woot!"
Justin looks at Sean (aka Xanna): "You should exhaust more often for your Personal Quest then!"
Sean: "Doesn't count if I get exhausted…"
Justin: "Ohhh… shame, I'd do it a few more times for you"
Gideon (aka Thalia): "See? That's what we call a teammate, not like you"
Moses: "Ya ya ya"
Now let's cut to the action in real time!
Results Of Game(s)
Justin aka Splinter "You get a Null, you get a Null, all of you get a Null!" – 23 Exp & 20 Gold & 1 Tick
Moses aka All Might "Hi, yes I would like to take out insurance against MY BOOTS OF LEVITATION" – 18 Exp & 20 Gold & 1 Tick
Gideon aka Thalia "Backstabbing my way to your heart" – 25 Exp & 20 Gold & 1 Tick
Sean aka Xanna "My new title should be 'BAD@$$ HEALER'" – 15 Exp & 4 Gold & 1 Tick
+2 Reputation
+1 Prosperity (Prosperity LVL UP!)
We will be back with more Gloomhaven next week.
Until next time, keep calm and play better.
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