Wednesday, August 04, 2021

Gloomhaven Solo #6 - (4) Crypt of the Damned

01st August 2021 (Sunday)
No, really, the following post has MAJOR spoilers for the Gloomhaven campaign. This has been your spoiler warning.

Game(s) Played:

Gloomhaven Solo #6 – (4) Crypt of the Damned

Game: Gloomhaven
Designer: Isaac Childres
Players: 1 – 4 Players
Playing Time: 30 – 120 minutes (This Play: 118 minutes)
Main Mechanisms: Role Playing, Legacy, Hand Management

While enjoying your customary post-adventure drink at the Sleeping Lion, you notice something weird going on with the lamps in the bar.

Your first thought is that it is your imagination, but after staring at the lamps intently, you see they are flickering in and out. Tech lamps, as opposed to normal gas-burning ones, have been known to be a bit unreliable.

As if on cue, the lamps suddenly go out completely, leaving the room pitch-black.
The darkness gives the less scrupulous among you a good chance to perform their craft. Within a matter of minutes, Remy's coin purse is much heavier. REMY GAINS 10 GOLD

Deciding not to hang around in case someone realizes they are a few coins lighter, the Silverflags decide a few days out in the countryside would be a good idea. On the road, you see smoke on the horizon and catch the vague stench of burning flesh. You hasten your step to see what catastrophe lies ahead of you on the road.

After a few minutes, you come upon a trade caravan, ravaged by a pack of Vermlings, if the tracks in the mud are any indication.
Dead bodies and broken, upturned carts lie across the path, but you can also see a few survivors, wounded and bloody, on the ground. A woman limps across the road, carrying pieces of wreckage.

You disperse through the scene, tending to people's wounds and getting them back on their feet. It takes a few supplies, but they seem grateful in the end. CONSUME 1 ACCESSORY ITEM EACH. GAIN 1 REPUTATION.

The bandit commander's proclamations of a "Gloom" do not sit well in your stomach as you search the bend in the Still River— something here holds an interest for these maniacs.

You are somewhat surprised to find the ruins of an ancient crypt half-covered in moss and ivy. The history of this place is old and dark. With no other information to go on, you head down into the depths. Whatever these supposed bandits are up to, you’re determined to find out, even after you stumble across a large group of them and more animated dead at the bottom of the stairs.

“You’ve made a mistake coming here,” one of the bandits hisses. You disagree. You are right where you want to be.

As we watch the action unfold through the magic of stop motion video…

You bash in the door, thinking you are prepared for anything. Before you, however, stands a creature of pure elemental energy, enraged and demonic. It takes you a second to collect yourself. As if animating the dead wasn't enough for these lunatics.

As the action continues…

It is clear that you have disrupted some sort of ritual here. These elemental demons belong on an entirely different plane of existence, but the cultists have somehow managed to pull them through to this one.

On the altar in the back room, there is a wealth of scribblings on these rituals. Not all the writing is intelligible, but you get the sense that this crypt is a place of power once used by an ancient civilization. The ancients tapped the power of the elements to enhance their own lives, and while their exact fate is beyond your knowledge, it clearly didn't end well.

Among the scripts you also find notes on a couple of other places of power in the area. One appears to see heavy use with the cult and the other is marked as being overrun by vicious undead. It looks as though you have opportunities to either disrupt more of their work or get in their good graces by helping to clear out a threat.

Party Progress

Llaer gains 10 experience and 1 Perk
Remy gains 9 experience (Level Up!), 20 gold and 1 Tick
The Ruinous Crypt has been unlocked
The Decaying Crypt has been unlocked
Your reputation has increased
Gloomhaven's item shop has released the Ring of Skulls

Llaer is now a Level 2 Brute (89 XP) with 25 Gold and 4 Perks
Remy is now a Level 3 Scoundrel (101 XP) with 51 Gold and 3 Perks
Silverflag's reputation is -1
Gloomhaven's prosperity is 2 & 2/5

Until next time, keep calm and play better.

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