Sunday, September 05, 2021

Gloomhaven Solo #7 - (16) Mountain Pass

04th September 2021 (Saturday)
No, really, the following post has MAJOR spoilers for the Gloomhaven campaign. This has been your spoiler warning.

Game(s) Played:

Gloomhaven Solo #7 – (16) Mountain Pass

Game: Gloomhaven
Designer: Isaac Childres
Players: 1 – 4 Players
Playing Time: 30 – 120 minutes (This Play: 164 minutes)
Main Mechanisms: Role Playing, Legacy, Hand Management

Although the leadership of Gloomhaven has been transferred to the merchants, change is slow in coming in the back alleys of the city.

"Stop struggling! You're coming with me and there's nothing you can do about it!"

Ahead of you in the street, you see a pair of guards scuffling with a young boy dressed in rags. "You snatch purses, you go to the Ghost Fortress. No way around that."

"But my family is starving," the boy cries. You recognize his voice from some of your dealings in the Sunken Market. He's given you helpful tips for mercenary work on a number of occasions.

You entreat the guards to let the boy go, but they are unmoved. With further pressing, they agree to do so only if you pay his criminal fine. The guards cuff the boy's ear and set him free.
Llaer and Remy decide that a journey to take in the scenic mountains and fresh air would be good given the quality of air in Gloomhaven and the crypts they have been breathing into their lungs.

Stumbling through the woods, you are alarmed to hear the sudden sounds of a large animal rummaging through the underbrush. You crouch down, gauging the grunts and growls.

Through the trees, you see a large bear approaching your location. It has not noticed you yet, but you imagine it will soon. You decide the attack the bear, hopefully catching it by surprise.

The bear roars as you approach, making powerful swipes with its claws. Still, with the surprise and the commotion, the bear is not all that committed to the fight. After a bit of back and forth, the animal grunts and runs off into the trees. LLAER AND REMY ARE WOUNDED
There is a certain shaking of heads that happens along with the mention of dragons, as if the person saying it can't even believe the words coming out of their mouth. Dragons don't exist, they say, but some giant, winged beast has been sighted to the north, so you set off to see if maybe they do.

Your goal is the Icecrag, the tallest mountain in the Coppernecks. To get there, though, you'll need to head through the northern pass, a narrow corridor between two massive stone cliffs that is known for frequent avalanches and other dangers.

You tread carefully, watching how above you for any signs of an ambush. This wariness is what saves you from being crushed by a hail of boulders rumbling down the cliff side. You dive for cover as the rocks hit, then look up to see a group of Inox emerging from a concealed cave to one side of the pass.

They intended to kill you with the rocks, but your survival has only motivated them to pursue a more conventional option.

As we watch the action unfold through the magic of stop motion video…

With the pass blocked by the avalanche, you enter the cave to face your aggressors. Inside you see a network of passages leading deep into the mountain. Perhaps they would be worth exploring once your foes are dead.

As the action continues…

What were Inox and demons doing together? And so far north? You rifle through their belongings, looking for some indication of their motivation. All you find is some crude scratchings referencing a "voice".

You glance towards the cave. There may be some clues farther down the tunnels.

To the north, Icecrag Peak looms large in the distance. Still, you feel something calling you to explore the cave. Not audibly, but there is a subtle and powerful urge.

You look down at the Inox's scribblings. A voice – yes, somehow that sounds familiar. You can almost hear it yourself.

Party Progress

Llaer gains 16 experience (Level Up!), 1 Perk and 9 gold
Remy gains 18 experience, 3 gold and 1 Tick
The Echo Chamber has been unlocked
The Icecrag Ascent has been unlocked
Gloomhaven's item shop has released the Tremor Blade

Llaer is now a Level 3 Brute (105 XP) with 29 Gold and 5 Perks
Remy is now a Level 3 Scoundrel (119 XP) with 49 Gold and 3 Perks
Silverflag's reputation is -1
Gloomhaven's prosperity is 2 & 2/5

Until next time, keep calm and play better.

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