Thursday, October 21, 2021

Gloomhaven Solo #8 - (24) Echo Chamber

21st October 2021 (Thursday)
No, really, the following post has MAJOR spoilers for the Gloomhaven campaign. This has been your spoiler warning.

Game(s) Played:

Gloomhaven Solo #8 – (24) Echo Chamber

Game: Gloomhaven
Designer: Isaac Childres
Players: 1 – 4 Players
Playing Time: 30 – 120 minutes (This Play: 127 minutes)
Main Mechanisms: Role Playing, Legacy, Hand Management

You are relaxing at the Sleeping Lion when an immaculately dressed man approaches your table, a fake smile plastered to his face.

"Ah, you must be the mercenaries everyone is talking about, yes? My name is Lord Greymane and I have a delicate matter to discuss. May I sit?"

You gesture to a chair and he sits with a faint grimace. "I am transporting some valuable goods this evening from one of my warehouses, and I have reason to believe that some of the less desirable elements of this city wish to steal from me. I would like to hire you to help guard the undertaking."

As undesirable elements should stand no chance against hardened mercenaries such as yourselves, you agree to guard the goods. Later that night, you head to the warehouse and are immediately set upon by a group of thieves. However, they prove no match for your expertise and are quickly dispatched. Greymane thanks you. LLAER AND REMY GAIN 5 EXPERIENCE EACH AND 10 GOLD COLLECTIVELY.
You decide to continue your journey towards the Icecrag. Heading down the main road, you see an odd-looking wagon in front of you. It is covered in metal bars and a number of ragged men in chains walk behind it. On either side of the wagon, you see city guards on horseback keeping a watchful eye on everything.

You get closer and one of the guards calls out to you. "Keep your distance! We are transporting dangerous criminals."

A moment later, one of the prisoners in the back slips out of his manacles and begins to sprint full speed into the tall grass.

You decide to help the guards catch the escaping man. The man's speed after spending months in a jail cell is no match for your own. With the help of the guards on horseback, you quickly have him cornered and returned to the wagon. YOU GAIN 1 REPUTATION.
Arriving back at the entrance to the cave where you heard the voice, you step into the cave, heeding the call of a voice in your head. It is alluring, with an edge of danger. You could be walking into a trap, a hapless lamb in some sinister game. Reading these fears, the Voice issues you calm assurances. Everything will be fine, just continue descending into the darkness.

Against all reason, you continue.

In flashing images and thoughts, the Voice attempts to explain itself. It has been trapped by some powerful force deep in the earth. It needs your help to get out. You express curiousity about who imprisoned it and why, but the Voice falls silent at the thought.

And that silence is troubling, deep in the dark. You are hopelessly lost, until the Voice returns and continues to direct you, with no answers to your questions.

The voice flashes images of the monsters placed to guard it. And it gives you a plan: if you can connect all the rooms in its chamber, its voice will be able to resonate and take form once again, giving it the ability to banish its captors.

The Voice tells you you are near, It tells you to prepare yourself.

As we watch the action unfold through the magic of stop motion video…

The last of the fog dissipates and a wind immediately picks up, circulating throughout the chambers of the prison. Its speed grows rapidly, starting as a breeze and escalating to a cyclone in a matter of seconds.

And then you hear the Voice: a sound carried on the wind – a great and terrible sound. There is a powerful cry and all the remaining monsters are destroyed – disintegrated and scattered among the storm.

"Thank you, my friends. It is good to finally be rid of those pests." The Voice rattles your bones as it speaks. "And now that that is done, I ask you to aid me again. I am still a prisoner here, trapped in the wind. In order to take a more corporeal form and leave this land, I require my vessels of power returned to me."

You fall to your knees as the sound subsides, your head ringing from the vibration. The Voice just destroyed your adversaries as if they were nothing. You cannot imagine what it would be capable of if you were to give it more power.

"Do not worry, I have no desire to bring calamity on your land. I only wish to be on my way, to be free and unencumbered by this plane. I give you now a vision of where you can find the first vessel. They thought to hide it from me, but I can see it as if it were right in these chambers."

"Please, bring it to me."

In a show of good will, the Voice directs you back to the entrance of the cave. For away from its influence, you have a decision to make. You can do its bidding, or you can try to get to the bottom of what exactly the Voice is instead of just meddling with powers you do not understand.

Party Progress

Llaer gains 10 experience, 11 gold and 1 Tick
Remy gains 12 experience, 6 gold and 1 Tick
The Shrine of the Depths has been unlocked
The Decrepit Wood has been unlocked
Achievement The Voice's Command has been unlocked

Llaer is now a Level 3 Brute (132 XP) with 40 Gold and 5 Perks
Remy is now a Level 3 Scoundrel (131 XP) with 55 Gold and 3 Perks
Silverflag's reputation is 0
Gloomhaven's prosperity is 2 & 2/5

Until next time, keep calm and play better.

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