Sunday, October 31, 2021

Gloomhaven Solo #9 - (32) Decrepit Wood

21st October 2021 (Thursday)
No, really, the following post has MAJOR spoilers for the Gloomhaven campaign. This has been your spoiler warning.

Game(s) Played:

Gloomhaven Solo #9 – (32) Decrepit Wood

Game: Gloomhaven
Designer: Isaac Childres
Players: 1 – 4 Players
Playing Time: 30 – 120 minutes (This Play: 120 minutes)
Main Mechanisms: Role Playing, Legacy, Hand Management

On a trip to the New Market, you see a curious sea chart prominently displayed in a Valrath merchant's stall.

"Ah, I see this interests you!" he says while holding it up, taking great care not to damage it. "I've been told this map will lead you to a location of untold riches! Wondrous beyond anything you have seen before!"

The Valrath gestures grandly with his free hand and his smile grows wide. "How can you say no to this? Just make me an offer."

The words "untold riches" rings like church bells in your ears. After some amount of haggling back and forth, you settle on a price and pay for the map. You recognize some of the landmarks and should be able to find this place of "untold treasure" by hiring a ship.

The Sunken Vessel has been unlocked
Achievement A Map To Treasure has been unlocked

But sunken treasures have to wait as you set out on the quest given to you by the Voice. You are headed through a mountainous region when the ground begins to shift and shake beneath you. Taken off guard, you fall to your knees.

The tremors continue unabated and grow stronger. You hear rumbling as rocks begin to tumble down the mountainside.

You race forward, scanning the area for an open space where the danger from rock slides will be less severe. After dodging some rocks and getting hit by others, you find a relatively safe area and wait for chaos to subside. ALL START SCENARIO WITH 2 DAMAGE

The thick wood recedes as you close in on the location of the first vessel of the Voice. Through the trees, you see a decaying wooden structure with collapsed walls and a rot that seems to be seeping into the surrounding area. The trees and plants around the building are equally forlorn and decayed.

The Voice claims the place is home to a sect of militaristic Harrowers, highly aggressive and territorial. No one would dare get close to this area unless they had an extreme death wish.

So there's nothing left to do but kick down the door and find the vessel somewhere in the Harrowers' coffers. Alternately you've scouted a side entrance that could let you avoid some confrontation, but may lead to other dangers.

As we watch the action unfold through the magic of stop motion video…

You hear the sounds of the forest… This feels familiar. "You're back again."

Opening your eyes, you realize you're back in the same clearing the first time the team got decimated. You look around and the bespectacled man's name comes to mind, "Isaac." He smiles and says "You remembered" as he pulls you up by the hand. Déjà vu.

Isaac looks you over as if checking you out for any injuries, satisfied he pats you on the shoulder and says, "Maybe this time, go left?" In a moment of silliness, you actually look left before realizing Isaac probably meant something else. You turn back to Isaac and not unexpectedly, he is no longer there.

You pick yourself up and head back to the Decrepit Wood, this time you will go left.

And we watch the action unfold through the magic of stop motion video…

The Harrowers proved quite difficult to take down, but in the end they fell just like any other foe. Feeling the rot of the place seeping into your bones, you hurriedly ransack the dwelling and locate the small earthern pot shown to you by the Voice.

When you pick it up, the Voice fills your head. "Good! Yes, excellent! The infesters were but one guardian employed to block my passage. I give you now the second location. Please bring the vessels back to me. I will reward you greatly."

Party Progress

Llaer gains 23 experience (Level Up!), 16 gold, 2 Ticks and 2 Perks
Remy gains 25 experience (Level Up!), 6 gold, 2 Ticks and 2 Perks
The Savvas Armory has been unlocked
The Ancient Defense Network has been unlocked

Llaer is now a Level 4 Brute (155 XP) with 49 Gold and 7 Perks 0 Ticks
Remy is now a Level 3 Scoundrel (156 XP) with 57 Gold and 5 Perks 1 Tick
Silverflag's reputation is 0
Gloomhaven's prosperity is 2 & 2/5

Until next time, keep calm and play better.

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