Friday, May 27, 2022

Gloomhaven Solo #15 - (43) Drake Nest

26th May 2022 (Thursday)
No, really, the following post has MAJOR spoilers for the Gloomhaven campaign. This has been your spoiler warning.

Game(s) Played:

Gloomhaven Solo #16 – (25) Icecrag Ascent

Game: Gloomhaven
Designer: Isaac Childres
Players: 1 – 4 Players
Playing Time: 30 – 120 minutes (This Play: 60 minutes)
Main Mechanisms: Role Playing, Legacy, Hand Management

Upon returning to the city after your latest adventure, you are approached by a high-ranking guard at the gate.

“Ah, good, I’m glad to have caught you,” the guard begins. “The capital has fallen behind on shipments of wood to Gloomhaven, so now it falls to us to pick up the slack so that construction of important city buildings doesn’t stagnate.”

The guard points to the east. “We’re forming an expedition to gather logs from the Corpsewood. We could use your help, either to guard against enemies or to chop down trees.”

The logging expedition heads to the outskirts of the Corpsewood and begins felling trees and transporting them back to Gloomhaven. You stay on your guard, patrolling the area and making sure there are no surprise attacks. A couple hours in, a tribe of Vermlings appear through the woods, but you are alert and prepared, dispatching them without a single casualty. The rest of the day goes by uneventfully. GAIN 10 EXPERIENCE EACH
You have only just wandered off the main road in search of your destination when the ground begins to shift beneath your feet.

What was once solid now gives way, and you find yourself falling down into a dark pit. You land twenty feet down, cushioned by the soil that fell with you.

You stand up with alertness and look around, trying to get your bearings. You have fallen into a manmade cavern with smooth stone walls and floors.

This could be a trap or just some long-forgotten structure.

Lighting a torch, you see a number of passages leading out of the stone room. Unfazed, you head down one of them and begin exploring the network of chambers. In one, you find a pedestal and, sitting atop that, a small, metal sphere.

You take the strange sphere and continue your search, but the only other remarkable thing you find is an exit. ALL START SCENARIO WITH 1 DAMAGE
The Copperneck Mountains are not accommodating. Beyond the pass, the weather gets progressively worse the farther north you travel. Your packs are unbearably heavy. The cold is in your bones. And then you start climbing the Icecrag.

Without yet having seen any signs of a giant, winged beast, you begin to wonder whether all this trouble is even worth it. Multiple times you contemplate turning back, dreaming of the warm glow of the Sleeping Lion’s hearth.

But you begin to hear something strange. Your ears pick up a screeching sound in the wind. It is not large—possibly even just the wind flowing through a small space. But still, it is something. You move forward, and then you see the wolves. They are right upon you, white fur among the flurries of snow.

Eventually you get through the wolves, thankful that the snow didn’t slow you down too much. You assume the fight is over, but the screeching begins again, this time much closer. You look through the white storm and see red shapes scurrying toward you.

Everything within you wants to stop—to fall over and rest in the snow. But you know you wouldn’t get up. You know you would get torn to pieces by giant, red claws. So you press forward, beyond all reason. Until, finally, the drakes stop pursuing and the mountain summit is in sight. The wind calms as you approach the peak. It is a nice change from the torrent of biting pain that came before. The air is thin, but you are above the clouds now and so the weather is relatively peaceful. It makes it very easy to see the giant, winged lizard perched atop a jagged boulder.

“Welcome to my mountain, intrepid adventurers.” A gravelly voice booms forth from the creature, surprising you with its eloquence.

“I hate to back you into a corner, but now that you have come to me, face-to-face, your options are unfortunately limited. I am not particularly hungry at the moment, so I could be convinced to let you live, if you agree to help me in a small matter.

“A group of Savvas subdued me in my sleep and removed one of my flame glands, presumably to study. I cannot let this insult go unpunished and would greatly appreciate you taking it back from their city, killing as many of them as you can in the process.” The drake clacks its claws against its stone perch in anger.

“Or, if you wish to be cliché,” the creature says with a sigh, “you could simply attack me. Slay the dragon, save the princess, and all that.

“Except I have no princess, and I’m not a dragon—just a drake who has lived a long time and does not wish to end his life today. So if you do attack me, I will fight back, and you will most assuredly die.”
Party Progress

Llaer gains 27 experience
Remy gains 25 experience (Level Up!), 3 gold and 1 Tick
The Scorched Summit has been unlocked
Achievement The Drake’s Command unlocked
Achievement The Drake Aided unlocked

Llaer is now a Level 6 Brute (302 XP) with 102 Gold and 11 Perks
Remy is now a Level 6 Scoundrel (287 XP) with 57 Gold and 10 Perks 2 Ticks
Silverflag's reputation is 0
Gloomhaven's prosperity is 2 & 4/5

Until next time, keep calm and play better.

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